The social sciences are in search of patterns which reflect human experience. Laws, languages, institutions, arts, industries, political experiments, economic theories, religious quests and military ambitions - all project the image of that experience. The social studies offerings provide insights about what has been, what is and what might be, and develop in students a curiosity about and sensitivity to the environment in which they live. All the courses in the Social Studies Department have been developed to raise questions. Furthermore, the courses challenge students to assess and interpret and provide a framework for recognizing and accepting responsibility as individuals and as citizens.
The Social Studies Department contributes to the total Jimtown High School experience by encouraging students to acquire the following:
- the ability to grasp a question, the capacity to gather relevant data, to analyze that data and then to marshal pertinent arguments, and to reach sound conclusions;
- the ability to communicate, both in oral and written expression, with clarity and conviction;
- a quality of open-mindedness reflected in respect for other points of view, in tolerance for ambiguity, in passion for truth, and in respect for facts;
- the ability to be sensitive to religious and ethical differences;
- the ability to make personal choices which are characterized by courage, dedication and moral decisiveness.